Hi readers! Often, I wish to make some useful blog posts for you and now I
have brought significant information about Github commands list which usually
helps professional developers a lot.
In professional software development industries, the programming code is
written by teams of expert developers. In fact, at present, the MNCs have
multiple teams as well as team members across the globe from remote locations.
Here, the question arises how could be the task finished on time. The best and
easiest approach to writing code in a single codebase and this method is
popularly known as the Version Control Systems.
Version Control Systems
Version control systems enable us to write and control various releases and
stages of a particular software product without really keeping multiple files
or folders. Also, they tend to formulate development within a team more
controllable with reduced trouble as developers don't possess trading folders,
but instead transmit with an individual source where all the systems’
modifications are occurring and everything is of course saved.
Types of Version Control Systems
Two kinds of Version Control Systems are used in development such Centralized
and Distributed version control systems.
1. Centralized Version Control Systems
Centralized version control systems refer to the codebase or the project
dwells in one central location. It's also called a repository. For
modification, people must use that repository and write their necessary code
in it.
2. Distributed Version Control Systems
In distributed systems like Mercurial and git, things are much more
adaptable, because of distribution strategy. This means that everybody
has working proofs of the repository that puts track of his/her modifications
and the different releases done by him or by his team members.
What is Git hub?
Git hub is a free open source distributed version control system that is built
to control everything from various sizes of projects with the fastest speed
and efficiency.
How Git hub functions
Most of the version control systems calculate the differences in each file and
find the sum of these obtained differences they can achieve whichever version
is saved, but that’s not the actual approach Git works.
Git functions as a sequel of snapshots for your whole file system. Every time
the alterations made in your files along with the whole system are captured by
Git for future reference purposes.
In case, there’s a file that hasn't been changed by you, then it will keep a
reference to the snapshot that is taken previously. Let's have a deeper dive
into this powerful GIT version control system to know its all features.
GIT hub States
GIT has 3 states available for your files to be kept in while your work is
going on with Git. The 3 states are: modified, staged, and committed.
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Modified state
When a file in the working directory has been updated by you, it is then known
as in the modified state, but these changes are not getting stored in the
Staged state
When you are going to stage the file, the changes made in the modification
state are captioned to get saved in the successive commit.
Committed state
When you are going to commit the file, these changes are ultimately stored in
your codebase.
Importance of repository and its types
In Git, you can run 2 types of repositories. Generally, you will have a local
repository on your desktop or laptop, that is well defined in your local
working directory, and a remote repository that gets stored on the cloud.
The local repository is more secure as it gets stored on your local machine
safely, until and unless you wish to share your code with others.
Once you started using the remote repository, anyone with authorized access to
your repository will be able to download the code from the remote repository
to his/her local machine and will contribute to it.
Configuration of Git hub: Getting Started
To get started, just visit and get downloaded the right version for your existing operating system. As soon as you started running the installation, you need to open Git CMD or Git bash and CD ( change directory command) into your selected empty directory and run all these commands. Replace the “user name” with your git username and “” with the email id of your git account.
$ git config --global "username"
$ git config --global -
Here, the above ‘git config' is a command that needs your pc to change in
config the file in the .git folder of the root of pc. --global is a flag you
pass to inform git that this is your global git account and you will be using
this account to build up git projects all over the pc. Also, you can use a git
account for a particular directory. You can obtain details more about the
starting setup and the crucial commands here as follows.
Significant Git Commands
1. GIT status - command
As soon as setup is installed, the GIT status command will be run to know or
observe the real status.
Here, you’ll have such an error that seems something like this.
Here error message about
The above type of error message is genuine, as we have not initiated a ‘git
repository' within our working directory.
2. GIT init - command
For the initialization of Git, we need to run the ‘git init’ command.
Now, if we will run the ‘git status' command again we will be able to view
that we are on branch master (branches in a minute) and understand that it is
the first commit, and nothing is there to commit, as presently the project is
GIT Hub command Sample project
Further to understand the use of Git hun commands in a practical approach,
let’s create a text file ‘learn.txt' and commence making some alterations to
make a real-world project. We have to do such a task inside the visual studio
code IDE/editor with C# language.
Now, when we are running the ‘git status' command, an untracked file will be
This indicates that we have some content in the modified state inside of the
project and the same untracked file hasn't been added yet to the staging
3. git add
To add the files which are created and edited in the prior step to the staging
location, we have to run the git command: git add learn.txt
Now, ‘Git status' is displaying that files are ready to get committed.
You can also add multiple files to the staging area by running the ‘git add'
command and then run the ‘git add' command again to add all files into the
modifying location. After this, just run the ‘git status' command again and
you’ll see that the text file is labeled as changes to get committed.
4. git commit
Now in this sample project, for the final step, it's time for running the
commit command to commit the above alterations. One crucial thing about this
commit command though, it often comes with a message, since Git strives to
execute best-level practices, and it is not hectic inside a unique project if
modifications were being conducted without any word of explanation
illustrated. Hence, in this way, we will be able to run the ‘git commit'
git commit -m “added learn.txt”
The above command line informs about modification of one file with 3 insertions, insertion of lines we’ve written previously.
Since all the observers read your commit messages, you must know how to write
them perfectly: ‘Git Commit Messages
5. git push
Hope now, everything goes fine, but now if we wish to share the above project
with any colleagues and bring the same project on board we have to position
our project on the cloud to enable other teammates to access the same project.
We’re not centralizing it, as everyone is getting his/her working copy, but a
focal point is mandatory to pipeline the project modifications. Hence, it's to
move and build up a repository on Github.
Now, start creating a new git repository with an appropriate description and a
name, I’ll call it LEARN Git.
While the new repository’s page gets opened, you’ll have an option to push a
current repository which is precisely what we expect to do.
We'll add local to the remote repository through the URL with the use of the
following commands.
Command-1- git remote add origin [repository’s
Command-2 - git push origin master
The command-1 connects the remote repository to our local repository through the link and under the origin name, and in fact, the name can be changed by you. The command-2 pushes the master branch files to that origin repository. Hence, through the above two commands, our repository would get the text file that is created by us.
6. git clone
In this way, the code is pushed to one remote repository so that, anybody with
access with your authorization to download the required code and start
modifying it.
Two ways are there to fetch a remote repository to a local machine directory.
The first way is to download a zip of the whole project and the second way is
you can make a clone or duplicate the repository to any other location on your
local system.
For downloading the repository with the complete previous details of the
project and nearly every modification that was ever made by us, we need to
utilize the following command.
git clone "URL link of the repository"
start navigating to the position where you wish to clone or make duplicate the
repository and run the following command.
clone "link of the remote repository"
You don’t have to write the whole command.
Now, find out the repository you prefer to clone (for example. On Github), click the green button named “Clone or download” and you can have two options either downloading the zip or copying the Url and replacing it in the git command “
git clone "link of the remote repository"
repo download and clone options
Now let’s move into a very crucial part of Git. If you’re in work with a
colleague on a single project and he makes some modifications to the
repository on that same file.
I am opening another instance of Visual Studio C# code and will move to the
specific directory where I made a clone of the project. Now, I’m changing the
word ‘first’ to ‘modified’ and then repeating the same steps as earlier to
push the project, i.e., add, commit, and push directly.
Note: We don't have to run the command ‘git remote add' as we have cloned the
repository and already it’s remotely added.
7. git merge and git fetch
Usually, the command ‘git merge' brings the modifications in projects and
merges them into our files. ‘Git fetches' command is used to fetch the changes
first and then merge the same into our files.
Git permits us to observe the state of files at the time of an earlier commit.
If you wish to head to an earlier commit without changing anything you can run
the command ‘git checkout "commit hash"’ and pass the proper commit hash. You
can see all past commits with hashes through the command ‘git log'.
Also, you can get all these by pressing the commits tab on the GitHub
You can get the hash of your past commit copied from here and keep pasted in the command prompt.
git reset --hard "commit hash"
The above code enforces the remote repository project files to be in the state
they were in, after that specific commit, nonetheless of what we have
After running the above command successfully, a message such as ‘one commit is
remaining' will be displayed. It means git counted this action as one more
commit and some changes have been done by you in the remote repository.
Now, we can fetch the above changes without merging them into the directory
and selectively merging by ourselves. To conduct a merge, we have to run the
command ‘git fetch' as follows:
git fetch --all
The above command will fetch all the commits that we don’t have currently, but
are not required to merge or not disturb our workflow.
8. Branches
Branches are well known as one of the most dominant features in Git.
For instance, if you work on software with various releases, the development
of the various versions needn't proceed in the same pipeline. Branching is
essentially diverting the flow of modifications in a particular direction.
One more simple example is a production followed by testing, and development
branches, where production would only comprise up reliable releases, specific
development commits would have to spread out to testing before they get merged
with production and henceforth. It’s a much-required procedure in the software
Hence, Git is very good at branching as it uses snapshots and estimates
differences, the procedure of creating a branch is much easier and faster than
other systems like SVN where such operation is a burden.
So let’s initiate a new branch on your project, you can simply work by
utilizing the command ‘git branch’ which will move ahead and build a new
branch with the name we give.
9. git checkout
We utilize the git checkout command to navigate an existing branch, add any
new files, and commit the files.
We can then enter that particular new branch by using the following command:
git checkout "branch name"
You can edit branch ‘testing’ with a modification in the text file and commit
all the unstaged files with alterations through the command ‘git commit
10. Pull request
For the creation of a pull request, first, we have to develop a new branch
from the existing branch you desire to merge into. Next, it's time to commit
some modifications and push this new branch to Github.
Then you have to click on the “New pull request” button that is available on the repository page and Github will display the following prompt:
Git UI for the pull request
Here, you can choose the targeted branches and can leave a comment. After the
creation of a pull request, Github allows you the project director or owner,
the option to merge or end the pull request.
If an automatic merge is not possible online, you need to get a pull and apply
to merge them locally. Here, Github’s “command line instructions” button helps
you out.
11. git stash
This ‘git stash' command can be utilized while we expect to save our job
without staging or committing the code to our Git repository and desire to
connect between branches.
The command ‘git stash -up' is utilized when we desire to stash the untracked
The command ‘git stash pop' is utilized while we are back on the branch that
is created by us and wishes to obtain the required code.
12. git revert
The ‘git revert' command can be utilized as an ‘undo’ command. Nevertheless,
it is not used as the traditional ‘undo’ function. It determines how to undo
the modifications made by the commit and prepared a new commit with the
inverse content.
13. git diff
Diffing is such a type of function that includes 2 input datasets and gives
outputs the modifications between them. The command ‘git diff'' is used for
multi-purpose which, when gets executed, runs a diff operation on Git data
sources. These Git data sources can be branches, commits, files, and more.
Often, the git diff command is utilized along with the commands like ‘git
status' and ‘git log' to assess the present state of our repository.
14. Git log
This Git log command is utilized when we wish to review the log information
for each commit in a detailed summary in our repository.
The Git log command will exhibit the log of our branch. We can review the last
3 logs through the command: ‘git log -3’, or we can check on the last 4 logs
through the command ‘git log -4’ and many more in this pattern.
Also, the command ‘git log –graph' and ‘git log –graph –pretty=oneline’ are
used to display the report in terms of a graph, and the ‘git log' is utilized
to obtain the details of the commit IDs.
15. Git rebase
Rebase is the method of moving and integrating a progression of commits to
another new base commit. Rebasing is meant for modifying the base of our
branch from one commit to another commit, enabling it to function as if we’ve
developed our branch from a separate commit. Git achieves this internally by
making new commits and implementing them on a particular base. It’s very
crucial to comprehend that even though the branch seems the same, it is
formulated of absolutely new commits.
The command ‘git rebase' makes an automatic ‘git checkout <branch>’
before performing anything else. Contrarily, it remains on the same existing
Consider a circumstance where we have moved from a master branch and have
built a new feature branch, but the master branch is still possessing more
commits. We need to obtain the latest version of the master branch in our new
branch, retaining the history of our branch clean so that it occurs as if we
are working on the recent version of the master branch.
Note: We need not rebase the public history and also, we should not rebase
commits forever once they get pushed to a public repository. This happens
because the rebase would displace the old commits with the new commit, and it
appears as if a portion of project history got unexpectedly disappeared.
16. git reset
We utilize the command ‘git reset –hard [SOME-COMMIT]’ to return the working
tree to the previously committed state.
This will exclude commits that are done in a private branch or remove away the
uncommitted modifications!
If we apply the command ‘git reset –hard [SOME-COMMIT]’, then Git will:
return our existing branch (maybe master) to the required point of
commit <SOME-COMMIT>.
Create the files in the working tree of us and the index (“staging location”)
similar to the versions committed at the point <SOME-COMMIT>.
Overall, Git has become a crucial part of our daily development strategy.
Github Version control is a necessity of most software development and a
regular practice for developers. GIT Hub command list is a source of tool that
you’ll need for sure and the only ideal approach to get better with it
is to utilize it.
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