The Razorpay .NET SDK is a .NET based SDK that is designed to provide developers in developing applications that can interact with Razorpay's APIs. By installing the Razorpay .NET SDK (server-side), we'll be able to interact with Razorpay APIs.Installation procedure of Razorpay .NET SDK
By installing the Razorpay .NET SDK (server-side-side), we'll be able to interact with Razorpay APIs.
The developers can organize installation of the Razorpay .NET SDK and make integration of the same with .NET-made website to receive payments, make refunds and do other transactions.
Required components
Utilize the higher version of .NET 4.5 with TLS (version 1.2).
TLS (version 1.2) performs only with .NET version 4.5. By utilizing it with a lower version of .NET will create errors. Check the
Steps to download and install Razorpay .NET SDK
First you need to Create or sign up with a Razorpay account.
Then Log into the Dashboard of Razorpay and produce the API keys in test procedure.
Installation of Razorpay through the NuGet Package Manager
You can get installed Razorpay through the NuGet Package Manager.
or through the NET Core CLI (Command-Line Interface).
By NuGet Package Manager
To get the SDK installed through NuGet Package Manager, first get the latest source code downloaded in zip file format from the releases link on GitHub.
The ‘NuGet Package Manager' needs to be downloaded and installed.
The ‘NuGet Package Manager' is only compatible with .NET 4.0 and higher version. Make sure that you have selected the right applicable version of .NET that needs to be installed.
Start Running the following command lines on the ‘NuGet Package Manager':
Namespaced within Razorpay.Api.
The .NET client displays exceptions rather than returning errors.
Options are selected as a Dictionary rather than multiple parameters, wherever feasible.
All proposals and responses are transmitted over JSON.
Please note: You must possess .NET Core CLI that is installed on your system to utilize this method.
To get the SDK installed from the following command prompt:
the latest source code file needs to be downloaded from the
Run the following command:
On failure of the above command with invalid cert obtained from server, start running the following commands:
Certification Manager commands
Integrate with Payment Gateway
API Sample Codes
Get Payments
Get Payment using Id
Capture a payment
Refund a payment
In order yo refund payment following codes need to be executed.
Fetch All Refunds for a payment
Fetch One Refund for a payment using refund id
Accessing the payment attributes
Creating an order
Create a Customer
Development platform
Just open the solution in visual studio 2013 (if you have), it should develop fine
Compiling using Mono
Download the 'Newtonsoft.Json' nuget package.
Download the 'NUnit' nuget package.
A bin folder needs to be created in the root directory
Compile the source code into a library
copy Dependency dll
Compile test exe
Run Test exe
Compiling through xbuild
Run xbuild (in the root directory where sln file exist)
In case the above command fails with message "invalid cert received from server", run the following commands
Hope the abov article will help the develpers developing a proper razor payment sdk app and they can take the advantage of razor payment app.
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