



What are microservices? - Training | Microsoft Learn

Learn what microservices are, their benefits, and how they revolutionize modern software development
What are microservices


Hi readers! Hope you must have gone through our previous articles like .net core interview questions, ASP.Net core, .net web API tutorial  Today, we’ll discuss on .net core micro services.

Micro services are most architectural and organizational method for the developers to develop an agile project that is highly scalable and reliable.

What do you mean by microservices?

The cloud helps in appropriate app development and IT-system management of today. Modern cloud apps should be fast, agile, greatly scalable, and reliable.

Containers assist applications obtain all of those needs, but placing an app into a container without adopting a design style is like getting into a vehicle and hoping to obtain method to a new location without a map (or GPS-featured phone). You might arrive at your target, but the route possibly wasn't the most helpful option.

Here a microservice architecture appears. Microservices provide a specific method

For the purpose of smooth development and deployment of software that's suitably matched to the agility, scale, and needful expectation of advanced cloud apps.

Why you should build microservices in .NET?

Initiating with .NET Core and carrying on all the approaches through the current iterations, c# .NET was developed first to be cloud native. The cross-platform is run by it, so the Docker image would be based on a Linux and the .NET code still runs. Additionally, Microsoft has already designed .NET images for Docker. Also, the .NET is fast, with the Kestrel web server of ASP.NET timely out functioning other web servers.

Explain microservice architecture

As the name indicates, a microservices architecture is a method in which a big app is broken into a set of smaller size services. Every software runs in its own procedure and connects with other procedure through protocols like HTTP/HTTPS, AMQP, or WebSockets. Every microservice applies a particular domain or business capacity within a specific context limitation, and each must be developed and deployed independently. 

Finally, every microservice should have its relevant domain data model and logic, and would be based on various data-storage tactics (SQL, NoSQL) and various programming languages.

Key features of microservices:

  • Microservices can be deployed alone. A team can also update a current microservice without redeveloping and redeploying the whole app.
  • Microservices are small, loosely coupled, and independent.
  • Every microservice has a different codebase, which could be controlled by a small size development team.
  • Microservices are accountable for persisting their information or outer state in their respective databases like SQL Database. Unlike the monolithic architecture, the microservices never share databases.
  • Microservices connect with each other through well-explained APIs. Internal application details of every service are kept hidden from other one.
  • Microservices helps in polyglot programming. For illustration, microservices need no sharing of the respective technology stack, frameworks, and libraries.

Why do we need to develop a microservice architecture?

One crucial advantage of microservices is that everybody generally encapsulates simpler customer-need functionality, which the developers could scale out or in, test, deploy, and control independently. One crucial advantage of a microservices method is that teams are influenced more by customer’s need than by technology. Smaller teams build up a microservice based on a customer’s requirement and utilize any technologies they wish to utilize.

Microservices provide longer agility. Microservices facilitate better maintainability in critical, large, and highly scalable systems by allowing you develop apps based on various services that are independently deployable and each possesses granular and autonomous lifecycles. Designing fine-grained microservices-made apps allows  non-stop integration, and delivery (CI/CD). It also helps in providing new functions into the app. 

What is the use of containers?

Containerization is a method to development of software in which an app or service, its configuration (deployment manifest files) and dependencies, are gathered together as a container image. You will be able to inspect the containerized app as a unit and deploy it as a container image instance to the specific host operating system (OS). Containerizing an app is not only the approach to deploy microservices. You could deploy microservices a personal services in Azure App Service, or through virtual machines, or any methods.

Scalability is another advantage of containerization. You will be able to scale out instantly by making new containers for the purpose of short-term assignment.

Overall, the containers provide an advantage of isolation, scalability, agility, portability,  and control across the entire lifecycle of app workflow. The microservices you'll develop in this module, runs in a container, especially a Docker container.


Docker is well-known as an open-source project for automation of app deployment as portable, independent containers that will be able to run on-premises or in the cloud. Docker is also a software company that participates in promoting and evolving this technology, functioning in combination with Linux, cloud, and Windows suppliers, including Microsoft.

Docker containers will run any region on Azure: on-premises in the datacenter of customer, in the cloud or in an outer service provider. The Docker image containers will run on Linux and Windows natively. Click here to know more about Azure interview question answers.


Often, when a developer utilizes Docker, they build an app or service and make it packaged and its valuable dependencies into a specific container image. An image is considered as a basic representation of the app or service and its configuration and relevant dependencies.

It's the same image that, while run, becomes our container. Our container is the in-memory occurrence of an image.

About Dockerfile

A Dockerfile is a specific text file that carries information on how to develop a Docker image. We write Dockerfiles in a minimal scripting language made for developing and organizing images. They also make documentation of the operations desired to develop an image, beginning with a base image.

In order to make a Docker image carrying your app, you'll basically start by determining a base image to which you would add more files and config. The procedure of identifying a perfect base image basically begins with a search on Docker Hub for a pre-designed image that already carries an app framework and all the tools and utilities of a Linux distribution such as Alpine, and Ubuntu. For illustration, if you possess an ASP.NET Core app that you wish to package into a particular container, Microsoft publishes a specific image called ‘’ that already carries the ASP.NET Core runtime.

You can make a custom image by beginning a container with the base image and  modifying it. Modifications basically involve various functions like copying files into the specific container from the filesystem (local) and running different tools and utilities to  the code of compilation. However, a Dockerfile is a set of information that builds up a Docker image with the exact software needed to run the app.

Hope, the readers must have gained enough idea about micro services especially .net micro services. The .net Microservices often play significant role in various software development and deployment efficiently. Mostly, the developers need these micro services to fulfill the need of customers. Save your time and make your project more scalable and reliable. 


Anjan kant

Outstanding journey in Microsoft Technologies (ASP.Net, C#, SQL Programming, WPF, Silverlight, WCF etc.), client side technologies AngularJS, KnockoutJS, Javascript, Ajax Calls, Json and Hybrid apps etc. I love to devote free time in writing, blogging, social networking and adventurous life

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